2015年6月3日 星期三

0394_head over heels

0394 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—head over heels
Dialog at: 2:22 and 5:24

A: What do you think?
B: Oh, I’m head over heels!
A: You like it?

B: It’s the perfect car! I’ll take it!

Hello, everybody,

My name is Coach Shane, and welcome to Easy English Expressions. You and me everyday. Come on. Let’s master English.

Hello, everybody. Welcome back to Daily Easy English expression. Today, oh, this is a useful expression and you probably know this expression, many of you do. It is “head over heels”. I am head over heels. And we can also say: “I am head over heels in love”. It’s a forward expression. But we can just say: “I am head over heels”. He is head over heels. You will be head over heels. Head, your head, over O-V-E-R, heels, H-E-E-L-S. The back part of your feet, your heels. So, “head over heels”, what does this mean? The idea is you spin in circles. Your head’s on top but it spins to the bottom and your head goes to the bottom and your feet are on top. And it’s spinning, it’s constant spinning because you are in love. And it’s like ….. You are in love and the world is crazy. It’s what this expression means. I don’t know why this goofy expression. But it means you are in love. So have you ever been head over heels? Right now, are you head over heels? I know many of you are married. Are you married? Well, when you think about your wife or your husband, are you still head over heels? Hello? Yes? No? I hope so. Come on! You’d better be. Let’s check out the dialog:

A: What do you think?
B: Oh, I’m head over heels!
A: You like it?
B: It’s the perfect car! I’ll take it!

Yep, car shopping. I don’t know about you, I like cars, I like trucks, I like cars and trucks. Motorcycles are cool, too. But I don’t drive motorcycle. Right now, I have a little car. It’s a tiny car. It’s a good gas mileage. It saved a lot, but it’s a tiny little car. But I would have a nice truck. Oh, boy, there’s a truck in America called the “Ford Raptor“. “R-A-P-T-O-R”. When I see that, I am head over heels. I love that truck. I would marry that truck. No. only only please only marry humans. Don’t be married in trucks and trees and houses. And don’t be married in your job. Some people are saying they’re married to their work. Marry humans you’ll be happy.

“Head over heels”, “Head over heels” is a great feeling when you fall in love with something. But remember that love feeling, if you want it to last, you need to work hard. So, if you buy something like my trucks if I bought a “Ford Raptor” truck. I am head over heels in it. I need to work very hard to keep it clean, to keep it nice, to keep it operating perfectly so that I continue my love for my truck. So I want to hear that you are head over heels about. Is someone special in your life? I hope so. Is that something special that you recently bought? Maybe there’s a special food that you’re absolutely head over heels about. Let me know. I’d love to know.

You can contact me on twitter @coachshane. On facebook: eslcoachshane and of course, on google+ the community “let’s master English”. And finally, on our website “www.letsmasterenglish.com”. Go there, leave me a message. Just go to LME Radio on our website. There’s a little button “LME Radio”, “Let’s master English Radio”. It has every podcast I ever made. “LME TV” has every video I ever made. It’s all there on the website. Check it out. It’s fantastic. Thank you so much, guys. Practice the dialog two more times. And together, let’s master English.

