0391 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST— ~ never delivers
中譯/中文意思: 失信
Dialog at: 3:48 and 5:51
A: Are you going to vote?
B: What for? Politicians never deliver.
A: They never keep their promises, do they?
B: They’re almost all the same.
Hello, everybody,
My name is Coach Shane, and welcome to Easy English Expressions. You and me everyday. Come on. Let’s master English.
Hello, everybody. Welcome back to Daily Easy English expression. Today, a dangerous expression. Somebody, Somebody, Somebody, never delivers. He never delivers, she never delivers. What’s mean? Deliver, Deliver D-E-L-I-V-E-R. You know the food delivery, You got the pizza delivery. I don’t know, McDonalds delivery. What’s popular delivery food in your country? Chinese food? Do they deliver Chinese food? Italian food? Do they deliver Italian food? American pizza, pizza is number one.
So, never deliver. Does mean never delivers food? No, actually, this means never fulfills a promise. So somebody promise you something but they didn’t fulfill the promise. You didn’t deliver, you didn’t fulfill your promise. And if the person never fulfills their promise, they, we can say: they never deliver, he never delivers, she never delivers, they never deliver. So, the obvious answer, an obvious answer think about is politicians. Do politicians deliver? Maybe some of them. Most, I don’t know, I don’t think they do. I don’t think they do. I think they’re really evil.
Let’s change though. Politician is easy. What about your brother or your sister? Did he ever make a promise to you? Yeh? And does he deliver? Does he fulfill the promise? If he does, he is a good guy. If he doesn’t, he is a human. If he never delivers, you need to hit your brother. Go ahead, you can hit it, not too hard. How about your teacher? How about your English teacher? Do you have English teacher? I am your English teacher, I am your English coach, not really teacher. Do I Do I deliver? Oh, I do. You know I do. A podcast every day. At last, almost 400 days. I was late one day and that was because I had surgery. Otherwise, I deliver every day, a podcast every day. It’s pretty good. I am proud of that. I delivered. I promise you a podcast every day and I did it. Full year. Now, I am going on year2. Will I promise a podcast everyday in year3? I don’t know, maybe, maybe not. I am not sure. Some of you had already said: “Don’t, please don’t”. You said: “Just give me Monday to Friday”. I’ll think about it. “To never deliver” is not a good thing.
Let’s check out the dialog:
A: Are you going to vote?
B: What for? Politicians never deliver.
A: They never keep their promises, do they?
B: They’re almost all the same.
It’s true. And I don’t know about your country. I am talking about America and it’s true. And they always say I am gonna do this, some gonna do that, we gonna have this, we gonna have that. Wow, nothing. I mean that thing that I was hoping for, the promise that I heard, nothing. ??? forum policy is all the same, is garbage, is terrible here in there. ???. Domestic economic is horrible. The government is growing in size. It’s terrible. That’s just me. That’s just me. Maybe somebody else of America is very happy. Maybe somebody else believes that the government of America is delivery. If you ask me, the US government, the politicians never deliver. The only thing they deliver is garbage. I hope it’s better in your country.
But once again, it’s not just politicians who make promises. Parents make promises. Brothers and sisters make promises. Teachers make promises and you make promises. And the best place to start is with yourself. So think now. Think of people a person, think of people around you. Had you made promises to them? And are you delivering? If you haven’t delivered yet, maybe today. You can deliver on that promise. That’s today’s expression. I hope you guys have a fantastic day. Practice the dialog two more times and together let’s master English.