2015年1月18日 星期日

0200_I'm looking into ~ing

0200 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—I'm looking into ~ing
中譯: 尋求
Dialog at 2:17 and 4:33

A: What are you searching for?
B: I’m looking into buying a juicer.
A: Good for you! Trying to be healthier?
B: I’m trying!

0199_A trumps B

0199 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST— A trumps B
中譯: A勝過B
Dialog at 3:07 and 5:39

A: I need to study. Be quiet.
B: The living room is not a good place to study.
A: Says who?
B: Environment trumps willpower. Go to the library.


0198 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—willpower
中譯: 意志力/毅力
Dialog at 2:22 and 6:36

A: You quit smoking?
B: Yeah! 2 months now.
A: Wow! That’s great. How’d you do it?
B: Willpower. 100% willpower.


0197 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—TRIP vs TRAVEL vs JOURNEY
中譯: 短程旅行, v旅行, 長途旅行
Dialog at 4:41 and 

A: Do you like to travel?
B: Not really. I prefer short trips.
A: So you’ve never been overseas?
B: Never. I haven’t even seen the ocean!

0196_to PUT somebody ON (2 meanings!)

0196 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to PUT somebody ON (2 meanings!)
中譯: 雇用 or 戲弄
Dialog at 2:09 and 4:12

A: I might put somebody on at the office.
B: What about my brother John.
A: Are you putting me on?
B: What? He’s smart.
A: Maybe, but he’s gotten fired from every job he’s ever had!

0195_My ~~~ is not up to task!

0195 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—My ~~~ is not up to task!
中譯: 我的...上不了枱面
Dialog at 3:23 and 5:53

A: Jacques, I want you to translate this into French.
B: What? But my French is not up to the task.
A: What?! You’re French!
B: Oh, I mean, my English is not up to the task!!

0194_You might as well...

0194 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—You might as well...
中譯: 你也許可以...
Dialog at 3:31 and 5:48

A: What should we eat tonight?
B: I don’t know…
A: Hmm… We might as well eat hamburgers.
B: Yeah. Might as well. We're Americans…

0193_Recollection, recall, remember, memorize, memory

0193 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—Recollection, recall, remember, memorize, memory
中譯: n往事, v回憶, v記得, v記憶, n記憶
Dialog at 4:55 and 6:00

A: What’s your favorite childhood memory?
B: To the best of my recollection…going to Disneyland.
A: I remember going to first grade! It was so great!
B: I hated school. Too many things to memorize!
A: Anyway! Sweet memories^^

0192_How do you like them apples?

0192 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—How do you like them apples?
中譯: (嘲諷貌) 你看棒不棒?
Dialog at 2:36 and 4:15

A: 20 coins? No way!
B: Wanna bet?
A: 5 bucks~
B: Great! Alright, take these coins…put them on my arm and… How do you like them apples?!

2015年1月17日 星期六

0191_Here you go! VS There you go!

0191 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—Here you go! VS There you go!
Dialog at 2:15 and 3:48

A: Here you go.
B: Thank you, waiter! Hey, honey, you want some?
C: Sure!
B: There you go^^
C: Thanks, sweetie^^

0190_go to school VS go to THE school

0190 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—go to school VS go to THE school
中譯: 上學 vs 去學校
Dialog at 2:30 and 4:21

A: I’m going to the school.
B: You go to school there, too?
A: No. I’m going to the school. I’m meeting a friend.
B: Oh. I’ll go with. I’ve got a class.

0189_Stupid is as stupid does!

0189 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—Stupid is as stupid does!
中譯: 傻人做傻事/傻人有傻福
Dialog at 3:00 and 4:33

A: What are you doing?
B: Changing a light bulb.
A: Stupid is as stupid does.
B: Hey! I have a higher IQ than you~~~whoa!!


0188 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to STICK OUT LIKE A SORE THUMB!
中譯: 引人注目 
Dialog at 2:59 and 5:23

A: Wow, your Korean is really good. Did you like living in Korea.
B: Sure.
A: Did you blend in?
B: No way! I’m a white guy! I stuck out like a sore thumb!

0187_to BLEND IN

0187 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to BLEND IN
中譯: 混雜
Dialog at 3:06 and 4:58

A: Do you know about the chameleon?
B: Sure! It can blend in with its environment to hide!
A: Right! But you’re wrong! Its color changes NOT to protect itself.
B: Really? Then why?
A: Its color changes according to its mood!

0186_knocked my socks off

0186 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST— knocked my socks off
中譯: 令我震驚
Dialog at 2:38 and 4:51

A: Did you hear that Nancy is pregnant?
B: I know! The news knocked my socks off!
A: Yeah! She’s 62 years old!
B: She’s amazing! This is her 4th kid!!

0185_beyond a shadow of a doubt

0185 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—beyond a shadow of a doubt
中譯: 超越合理懷疑
Dialog at 2:51 and 4:19

A: Who ate my cake? YOU?!
B: No! Tim.
A: Are you sure it was Tim?
B: Beyond a shadow of a doubt.
A: How do you know?

B: Because his face was all chocolaty!

0184_to shadow someone!

0184 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to shadow someone!
中譯: 跟蹤
Dialog at 1:58 and 3:35

A: What are you doing?
B: I’m shadowing Sue.
A: Why?
B: John thinks she’s cheating on him.
A: Cool! Can I come with you?!

0183_a shadow

0183 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—a shadow
中譯: 影子
Dialog at 2:14 and 3:35

A: Someone’s outside!
B: How do you know?
A: I can see a shadow in the window.
B: Are you sure?

0182_a shady guy

0182 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—a shady guy
中譯: 鬼祟
Dialog at 2:18 and 4:11

A: What did Dan want?
B: He wanted to know my phone number.
A: Did you give it to him?
B: No way! He’s a shady guy!
A: I know. Kinda scary~
B: So, I gave him your phone number!!!

0181_made in the shade

0181 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST— made in the shade
中譯: 順遂
Dialog at 1:43 and 3:42

A: I heard John quit his job.
B: Yeah. His wife got a big promotion.
A: So, he quit?
B: All he does is golf now.
A: He should do house chores.
B: They hired a housekeeper. He’s got it made in the shade!