2014年10月14日 星期二

150_jump the shark

150 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—jump the shark
中譯: 退流行

A: Let’s watch the new Diehard movie.
B: No way! Diehard has jumped the shark.
A: What? Bruce Willis is the greatest!
B: You’re crazy!


149 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—watered-down
中譯: 輕量的

A: What’s the difference between DD and DDM?
B: DD is the watered-down version of DDM.
A: So, DD is no good?
B: NO! DD is great, but DDM is MUCH better!!

148_It doesn't measure up!!

148 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—It doesn't measure up!!
中譯: 它比不上!

A: So, how’s the car?
B: It doesn’t measure up.
A: What? Your car is better than my Mercedes SLK320?
B: What do you think? Mine’s a Volvo!

147_What do YOU think? (Be careful with the intonation!)

147 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—What do YOU think? (Be careful with the intonation!)
中譯: 你認為呢?

A: Do I look fat in this shirt?
B: What do YOU think?

A: I do?
B: It’s WAY too tight. Your belly is hanging out!

146_to be ON AND OFF

146 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST— to be ON AND OFF
中譯: 斷斷續續

A: Where’s your girlfriend?
B: We’re taking a break.
A: You guys are on and off all the time.
B: This time…I think it’s for good.

145_for good

145 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST— for good
中譯: 永遠

A: So, you are leaving Korea?
B: Yes, next month.
A: But you’ll be coming back, right?
B: No, I think I’ll be leaving for good.

144_I'm all tied up.

144 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—I'm all tied up.
中譯: 我很忙!

A: Can you come to my little party on Friday?
B: I’m sorry, John. I’m tied up this weekend.
A: But you have to come!
B: John! I told you—I’m getting married on Saturday.

143_head honcho

143 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—head honcho
中譯: 頭頭

A: Where’s the head honcho?
B: He’s out for lunch.
A: Did you eat, yet?
B: I always brown bag it.
A: Homemade food is tops!

142_to brown bag it

142 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST—to brown bag it
中譯: 帶便當

A: What are you eating for lunch today?
B: I’ve got a tuna sandwich and some chips.
A: You brown bag it?
B: Yeah! Food I make tastes better and costs less^^

141_to have someone over

141 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST— to have someone over
中譯: 有客人

A: What’s up tonight?
B: I’m having my girlfriend’s parents over.
A: For dinner? You can’t cook!
B: KFC, buddy! They’ll never know!!